[STRATEGIC] Brainstorming
Some ideas:
- Compressed game packages in .tar.gz archive
- Administrator interface via console
- Functions for creating game packages
- Game packages as uncompressed directory
- multiple simultaneus game sessions on the same server instance
- multiple game packages on the same server instance
- support for play-by-email
- multiple players on the same client (hotseat)
- managing different map types (hex, squares, coordinates)
- generation of HTML reports
- internal http server for web interface (play & admin)
- managing terrains (height, type, etc)
- admin console with DBMS style commands
- XML descriptor for game packages
- Dice generator
- internal mail server
- user profile management
- manage game packages version & checksum
- standard interface for third party tools and clients
- support for games with predefined units (chess, dama, monopoli) and for custom units (miniature games)
- implementation of an event subsystem for units and entity
- support for remote control via telnet
- XML based server configuration
- support for game saves
- validation of armies (warhammer)
- user folder with profile, saved games, custom armies, etc
- various reports of current games running on the server
- creation of matches by non-admin users
- rights-management for users
- invite system
- user message servicemanagement of complex game flow (not simple "you-me-you" turns)
- option to automatically manage other players events in une player's turn (ex.automatic fire response)
- local application combining server and client functions for single player games
- definition of multiple visualization for units and entities for different clients(text, 2d low, 2d high, 3d)
- the console should be easy to reuse (ie.independent from current implementation)